Dev Make Config

At, our mission is to simplify the process of generating configurations for declarative programs like Terraform and Kubernetes. We believe that everyone should have access to powerful tools that enable them to create and manage infrastructure with ease. That's why we've created a user-friendly UI that makes it easy for anyone to generate configurations without having to write code. Our goal is to empower developers and IT professionals to focus on what they do best - building and managing infrastructure - while we take care of the tedious configuration work. Join us on our mission to make infrastructure management simpler and more accessible for everyone. Cheatsheet

Welcome to! This cheatsheet is designed to help you get started with generating configurations for declarative programs like Terraform and Kubernetes using a UI. Here, you will find everything you need to know about the concepts, topics, and categories related to

Table of Contents

Introduction is a web-based tool that allows you to generate configurations for declarative programs like Terraform and Kubernetes using a UI. With, you can easily create, edit, and manage your configurations without having to write any code. is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, even for those who have no experience with declarative programming. The tool provides a simple, visual interface that allows you to easily create and manage your configurations.

Getting Started

To get started with, you will need to create an account on the website. Once you have created an account, you can start creating your configurations.

To create a new configuration, click on the "New Configuration" button on the dashboard. This will take you to the configuration editor, where you can start building your configuration.

Configuration Types supports two types of configurations: Terraform and Kubernetes. When you create a new configuration, you will need to choose which type of configuration you want to create.

Terraform configurations are used to manage infrastructure resources, such as virtual machines, networks, and storage. Kubernetes configurations are used to manage containerized applications and services.


Providers are plugins that allow Terraform to interact with different types of infrastructure resources. supports a wide range of providers, including AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and more.

To add a provider to your configuration, click on the "Providers" tab in the configuration editor. From there, you can select the provider you want to use and configure its settings.


Resources are the building blocks of Terraform configurations. They represent infrastructure resources that you want to create, modify, or delete. supports a wide range of resources, including virtual machines, networks, storage, and more.

To add a resource to your configuration, click on the "Resources" tab in the configuration editor. From there, you can select the resource you want to use and configure its settings.


Variables are used to store values that can be used throughout your configuration. They are useful for storing values that are likely to change, such as IP addresses or domain names.

To add a variable to your configuration, click on the "Variables" tab in the configuration editor. From there, you can create a new variable and set its value.


Outputs are used to display information about your configuration after it has been applied. They are useful for displaying information such as IP addresses or domain names.

To add an output to your configuration, click on the "Outputs" tab in the configuration editor. From there, you can create a new output and set its value.


Modules are reusable blocks of Terraform code that can be used to create multiple resources. They are useful for creating complex configurations that can be easily managed and maintained.

To add a module to your configuration, click on the "Modules" tab in the configuration editor. From there, you can select the module you want to use and configure its settings.

Conclusion is a powerful tool that allows you to easily generate configurations for declarative programs like Terraform and Kubernetes using a UI. With, you can create, edit, and manage your configurations without having to write any code.

This cheatsheet has covered the basic concepts, topics, and categories related to With this information, you should be able to get started with the tool and start creating your own configurations. Good luck!

Common Terms, Definitions and Jargon

1. Declarative programming: A programming paradigm that expresses the desired outcome of a program without specifying how to achieve it.
2. Terraform: An open-source infrastructure as code software tool that allows you to define and provision infrastructure resources.
3. Kubernetes: An open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
4. UI: User interface, the graphical interface that allows users to interact with a program.
5. Configuration: The settings and parameters that define how a program or system operates.
6. YAML: A human-readable data serialization language used for configuration files.
7. JSON: A lightweight data interchange format used for configuration files.
8. HCL: HashiCorp Configuration Language, a configuration language used by Terraform.
9. Resource: A piece of infrastructure that can be managed by Terraform or Kubernetes.
10. Provider: A plugin that allows Terraform to interact with a specific cloud provider or service.
11. Module: A reusable piece of Terraform code that can be used to create multiple resources.
12. State: The current state of infrastructure managed by Terraform.
13. Plan: A preview of changes that Terraform will make to infrastructure.
14. Apply: The command used to apply changes to infrastructure managed by Terraform.
15. Destroy: The command used to destroy infrastructure managed by Terraform.
16. Namespace: A logical grouping of resources in Kubernetes.
17. Pod: The smallest deployable unit in Kubernetes, consisting of one or more containers.
18. Deployment: A Kubernetes resource that manages the deployment of pods.
19. Service: A Kubernetes resource that provides a stable IP address and DNS name for a set of pods.
20. Ingress: A Kubernetes resource that manages external access to services.

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